RESOURCE: Recording of DSS+LES Anti-oppressive and Allyship Facilitation Training
dh+lib 2019-09-26
As part of the ACRL Digital Scholarship Section’s ongoing work to address equity, diversity, and inclusion in our professional practice, DSS teamed up with the Literatures in English Section (LES) on September 6 to offer anti-oppressive and allyship facilitation training to executive board members, committee chairs, and discussion group conveners. Led by Tyler Dzuba and Maisha Carey from DeEtta Jones & Associates, the session focused on facilitation for inclusion. Tyler and Maisha covered three elements: preparing yourself to facilitate through intentional self awareness, creating equitable structures and processes for engagement, and a facilitation technique known as multipartial facilitation. The session recording is now available online.
This training is part of broader efforts to engage in anti-oppressive and inclusive allyship in the DSS, as first articulated in the open letter shared by DSS leadership in February 2019. In that letter, the DSS Executive Board committed to several concrete anti-racist steps, including the ongoing development of the DSS Community Agreement, a virtual Town Hall held this past June, and this facilitation training session.