OPPORTUNITY: Building Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining
dh+lib 2019-10-17
UC Berkeley is hosting a four-day institute this summer: Building LLTDM: Legal Literacies for Text Data Mining (#BuildingLLTDM). To be held June 23-26, 2020, this NEH-funded event seeks to “empower digital humanities researchers and professionals to be able to confidently navigate law, policy, ethics, and risk within digital humanities text data mining projects — so that they can more easily engage in this type of research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.” 32 participants will be accepted to participate, of which 16 will be digital humanities professionals, including librarians (see the selection criteria).
The institute will cover:
- Copyright
- Contracts & licensing
- Privacy
- Ethics
- Special use cases (e.g. international collaborations, etc.)
- Risk
The following foundational skills will be taught:
- Confidently navigate law, policy, ethics, and risk within digital humanities text data mining projects
- Integrate workflows for digital humanities text data mining research and professional support
- Practice sharing these new tools through authentic consultation exercises
- Prototype plans for broadly disseminating their knowledge
- Develop communities of practice to promote cross-institutional outreach about the digital humanities text data mining legal landscape
The institute will cover the full costs of attending for participants.
Please submit a CV and two-page letter of interest no later than 5 p.m., PST on December 20, 2019.
- October 2019: Call for applications
- December 20, 2019: Applications due
- January 2020: Application review
- February 2020: Selection notifications
- March 2020: Participant survey