RECOMMENDED: Announcing THATCamp retrospective and sunsetting

dh+lib 2020-02-07

In her recent post, Announcing THATCamp retrospective and sunsetting, former THATCamp (The Humanities and Technology Camp) coordinator Amanda French explains why will no longer be supporting website creation services.

THATCamps have provided a forum for people with an interest in Digital Humanities to learns and interact with each other since 2008. As French notes, THATCamps “did a great deal to demystify the digital humanities and digital methods more generally for a whole generation of scholars and information professionals.” Since the first THATCamp was held at George Mason University, more than 320 camps have been held in numerous locations. However, though they still take place, they are not as popular as they once were and do not require the support that they have in the past.

Even after the site is “turned off,” “the content on all THATCamp sites, including the help documentation on how to organize a THATCamp, all session proposals for all THATCamps, and your contrbutions to the THATCamp retrospective, will remain in place to be read at the same URLs.” That content will also be available in different locations.

The website will close on Friday, February 28th. French does encourage people to keep organizing THATCamps and using the #thatcamp hashtag.