OPPORTUNITY: Apply for ARL Digital Scholarship Institute

dh+lib 2020-02-14

The ARL Academy is accepting applications for the fifth iteration of the ARL Digital Scholarship Institute, to be held June 15-19 at the University Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. From the announcement:

The ARL Digital Scholarship Institute (DSI) is a five-day, cohort-based opportunity for library professionals and graduate students enrolled in a library and information science program who are new to digital scholarship and would like to develop their skills in an intensive, yet supportive, learner-centered environment. Guided by the principles of community, diversity, impact, openness, and sustainability, the Digital Scholarship Institute foregrounds critical thinking about the content and context of the modern research environment. Participants are trained in a core set of methodologies and tools that provide both a knowledge base and the confidence to work with the cultural changes sweeping through research libraries and higher education today.

Library professionals at any stage of their career are encouraged to apply, especially those looking to develop their digital scholarship skills and increase their agility in the modern research ecosystem. Graduate students enrolled in a library and information science program and with experience working in an academic library are also eligible to apply. The cost of the institute is $1,500, excluding travel and accommodations.
Applicants do not need to work at an ARL library. In evaluating applications, preference will be given to professionals from ARL libraries, Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), and Tribal Colleges and Universities, and to current graduate students in library and information science.
For additional information and instructions on how to apply, visit the ARL Digital Scholarship Institute webpage. The application deadline is March 13, 2020.