CFP: Disrupting Digital Monolingualism
dh+lib 2020-02-20
The Department of Digital Humanities and the Language Acts and Worldmaking project at King’s College London has released a call for proposals for a two-day workshop, Disrupting Digital Monolingualism. The workshop, which will take place on June 16th and 17th at King’s College London, aims:
- To map the current state of multilingualism in digital theory and practice through, and across, languages
- To identify areas of ‘language indifference’ in digital methodologies and infrastructure
- To bring together experts in language-driven digital study and practice to discuss priorities for future action and potential collaboration
- To discuss the value and role of languages in digital theory and practice and their implications for language study and professions
- To explore emerging models for linguistic diversity and languages-aware digital practice in academia, education and private/third sectors and to document best practice
Proposals, which can take the form of lightning talks, posters, technical demos, mini-workshops, or experimental formats, are due 12 PM GMT on March 16, 2020.