CFP: HASTAC 2020 – More room, more time!
dh+lib 2020-03-06
There’s still time to submit a proposal to HASTAC 2020, to be held at the University of Texas at Dallas, October 15-18. HASTAC (“haystack”) is the Humanities, Arts, Science, and Technology Alliance and Collaboratory, a highly interdisciplinary conference that is particularly welcoming to early-career scholars and librarians. From their announcement:
The local HASTAC organizing team is thrilled with the number and quality of submissions we have received for #hastac2020. The proposal engagements with hindsight, foresight, and insight are evocative and inspiring.
UTD’s Fall schedule became available this week and we were surprised to find that we have more space than we anticipated for the conference. So we are excited to announce that we are able to expand our space and accept more sessions than anticipated. To that end, we can offer a final deadline extension of March 21 for anyone still thinking about joining us for our collective imaginings of new futures.
We are working on sponsorships and grant funding to support travel for presenters who are graduate students, contingent faculty, and others without travel funds, including scholars and artists from state institutions in California whose are prohibited from using funds for travel to TX.
Submission details are available at their original Call for Proposals and include:
- Individual Talks, Papers, and Demos (12 – 15 minutes)
- Pre-constituted Sessions (75 minutes)
- Workshops
- Art and Media Installations
- Screenings
- Performances
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- Successful projects or successful failures that explored the possibilities of cross-domain collaboration among humanists, artists, scientists, and technologists.
- Creative projects that take up emerging technological and social problems and possibilities.
- The messy entanglements of technology and culture that strain our critical methods and overwhelm our efforts to do things differently.
- Recent cultural shifts in thinking about the relationship of “the humanities and technologies,” together and in contradiction.
- Creative media art and technology projects that take up emerging problems and creative possibilities.
- Demonstrations and speculative design briefs about what is to be done.
The new deadline for proposal submissions is Sunday, 21 March 2020, 11:59pm CDT.