JOB: Digital Scholarship Services Coordinator (Columbia University)

dh+lib 2020-03-06

From the announcement:

The Digital Scholarship Services Coordinator facilitates the day-to-day operations and programming for Digital Scholarship locations across several Columbia Libraries; oversees the implementation of the outreach initiatives of the division, including maintaining event schedules and communicating programming to members of the Columbia community and beyond; provides entry-level assistance with digital software and emerging technologies located in 305 Butler Library, such as troubleshooting, fulfilling 3D printing requests, and creating documentation when needed. Technologies include scanning stations, microcomputing, podcasting, and VR technologies, The Coordinator also manages and promotes the library’s 3D printing service.

The Coordinator additionally administers a technology lending program, routes reference and consultation requests to the appropriate members of the Digital Scholarship team, manages scheduling and coordination of graduate assistants (GAs) and digital interns working in the various Digital Scholarship locations, and works closely with the Library Information Technology Office on the ongoing planning and maintenance of hardware and software at use in Digital Scholarship spaces.


  • Facilitates the day-to-day operations and programming for Digital Scholarship locations across several library locations. Oversees the implementation of the outreach initiatives of the division, including maintaining event schedules (for events, workshops, hackathons, and talks), constructing relationships, and communicating programming across myriad platforms to various members of the Columbia community and beyond.
  • Provides entry-level assistance such as troubleshooting and creating documentation when needed with technologies and software located in 305 Butler Library (including digital humanities software, scanning and OCR, multimedia design, microcomputing, VR, and administration of the technology lending program). Manages 3D printing service including managing the service’s web presence, communicating with requestors, assessing requests, troubleshooting design, and printing.
  • Manages scheduling and coordination of graduate assistants (GAs) and coordinates consulting hours of digital interns working in the various locations.
  • Routes reference and consultation requests to the appropriate members of the Digital Scholarship team
  • Works closely with the Library Information Technology Office on the ongoing planning and maintenance of hardware and software at use in Digital Scholarship spaces.