CFP: Constructing Digital Humanities Grant Proposals as a Librarian
dh+lib 2020-03-13
The ACRL Digital Scholarship Section (DSS) Digital Humanities Discussion Group (DHDG) invites submissions for an upcoming webinar examining digital humanities librarianship and grants. Accepted presenters will give 5-10 minute presentations during the webinar, which will be held the week of June 15th, 2020.
From the call:
With many digital humanities (DH) programs at higher education institutions getting funding from grants, DH librarians have been participating in the grant proposal process. The ACRL DSS Digital Humanities Discussion Group (DHDG) is seeking presentations from library professionals who have been awarded grants for digital humanities programs, initiatives, and projects. Share your insights in how to successfully write a grant, organize your team, and which grants are the most useful for DH related library projects. We encourage 5-10 minute presentations from library professionals who have served as PIs or as collaborators on DH-inflected grants from all library types, and these presentations will be followed by a moderated panel discussion.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, April 17th, 2020.