CFP: DH2020 Workshops

dh+lib 2020-03-13

The workshops “Digital Research in First Nations, Native American, and Indigenous Studies around the Globe” and “Twin Talks 3: Understanding and Facilitating Collaboration in DH” are seeking submissions for inclusion in their programs. The workshops will be held at the DH2020 conference in Ottawa, Canada, which will take place from July 20th-205th, 2020.

From the call for “Digital Research in First Nations, Native American, and Indigenous Studies around the Globe”:

“Digital Research in First Nations, Native American, and Indigenous Studies around the Globe” seeks to bring together scholars and community practitioners working in digital First Nations, Native American, and Indigenous Studies globally. The workshop seeks to provide participants the opportunity to present current digital humanities research and methods related to the estimated 370 million Indigenous people around the globe. We are particularly interested in community-based approaches to digital research and infrastructure that support community cultural heritage and information-based approaches to sovereignty. Documentation, mobilization, analysis, stewardship, and Indigenous technologies can serve as focal points of workshop participants.

And the call for “Twin Talks 3”:

This workshop is special in that part of the submitted talks at this workshop are submitted and presented by a humanities researcher and a digital expert (the Twin Talks). They report on the research carried out together, both from their individual perspective (either humanities research or technical), as well as on their collaboration experience. Another part of the talks (the Teach Talks) are talks by people with experience or interesting ideas about how cross-discipline collaboration is or can be addressed in curricula or other training activities.

Papers should be submitted no later than April 1st for “Digital Research in First Nations, Native American, and Indigenous Studies around the Globe,” and no later than Thursday, May 7th for “Twin Talks 3.”