OPPORTUNITY: HILT 2020 Scholarships
dh+lib 2020-03-13
Registration is now open for the 8th annual Humanities Intensive Learning and Teaching (HILT) training institute, to be held in Lincoln, Nebraska, on the campus of the University of Nebraska, from May 18th-May 22nd, 2020.
To help defray the costs of attending and participating in the institute, a limited number of Sponsored Student Scholarships are being offered to full-time enrolled students, early career scholars (terminal degree within 5 years), and current employees of cultural heritage organizations including galleries, archives, and museums. To apply for a scholarship, fill out this form before registering.
HILT is a 5-day training institute that includes keynotes, ignite talks, and local cultural heritage excursions for researchers, students, early career scholars and cultural heritage professionals who seek to learn more about Digital Humanities theory, practice, and culture. This year’s courses are:
- Anti-Racist Feminist Digital Humanities
- Critical Digital Curation: Taking Care of Black Women’s Material Culture
- Getting Started with Data, Tools, and Platforms
- Introduction to Text Encoding
- Introduction to Web Development and Design Principles
- Latinx Digital Praxis: From the Archive to the Digital
- Spatial Analysis: Theory, Methods, and Applications
- Teaching DH: Assignment, Syllabi, Curricula
- Text Analysis Methods & Practice