RESOURCE: 2020 NDSA Agenda for Digital Stewardship

dh+lib 2020-07-27

The National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Agenda Working Group has recently announced the publication of the 2020 NDSA Agenda for Digital Stewardship. According to the Working Group, made up of Micah Altman (MIT Libraries), Karen Cariani (WGBH Media Library and Archives), Bradley Daigle (Academic Preservation Trust), Christie Moffatt (National Library of Medicine (NLM)), Sibyl Schaefer (University of California, San Diego), Bethany Scott, (University of Houston Libraries’ Special Collections), and Lauren Work (University of Virginia Library), this newest update of the NDSA Agenda, “represents a complete update around current advances and needs within crucial areas of focus such as digital collections, technological infrastructure, organizational policy and practice, and research priorities.” Results from the 2018 NDSA Institutional Survey on Priority Areas in digital stewardship are also included “to better articulate key areas for building research and developing practice.”

This publication would be of interest to researchers, practitioners, and others working in all aspects of digital stewardship.