A New Approach releases working paper on Australia’s cultural and creative economy

Australian Academy of the Humanities 2020-09-30

Today, A New Approach (ANA) is pleased to release an extract from its next report, Australia’s cultural and creative economy: A 21st century guide.

As a direct result of the impact of Covid-19, Australia’s cultural and creative life has been significantly disrupted. It’s been a tough time, but it’s given the nation a rare opportunity to reflect on what we truly value to make our lives better, as well as giving us a better understanding of the vital dollar and jobs value that our arts, culture and creativity provide to Australia’s economy.

ANA is pleased to be sharing this working paper, ahead of the release of our fifth report in late October. It is releasing this ‘sneak-peak’ to assist organisations and individuals in the process of preparing submissions for the parliamentary inquiry into Australia’s creative and cultural industries and institutions. ANA welcomes this inquiry, and at a difficult time such as this, it’s more critical than ever that decisions on the future of our arts, culture and creative opportunities are evidence-based.

Australia’s cultural and creative economy: A 21st century guide signals the cultural and creative economy’s considerable untapped potential to boost our future economic and social wellbeing. The report also highlights the need for a new, big picture and strategic approach. Governments have a leadership role but to succeed the approach must be strongly supported by industry and private funders as Australia strives to ‘build back better’ in the post-pandemic recovery period. Amongst the report’s key findings is the need for a National Arts, Culture and Creativity Plan, to ensure future policy settings and public investment are relevant, targeted and effective for the 21st century. This approach is equally relevant while we remain in the grip of Covid-19, as well as in a post-pandemic context.

This working paper focuses specifically on the cultural and creative economy, but of course economic value is only part of the story about the role of arts, culture and creativity in our lives. For more information about impacts, public perceptions, policy drivers and trends in public expenditure please see the previous reports in the Insight Research series:

ANA encourages everyone with an interest in Australia’s cultural and creative future to make a submission to the parliamentary inquiry by 22 October 2020.

To access our extract of Australia’s cultural and creative economy: A 21st century guide, visit here.

Media contact

Jeremy Lasek on 0417-652-771 or jeremy.lasek@humanities.org.au

About A New Approach

A New Approach (ANA) was established in 2018 to champion effective investment and return in Australian arts and culture. It was created through a $1.65 million commitment by The Myer Foundation, the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation and the Keir Foundation, under lead delivery partner, the Australian Academy of the Humanities.

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