Announcing the recipients of the 2021 Publication Subsidy Scheme

Australian Academy of the Humanities 2021-07-19

Having supported hundreds of scholars over more than five decades, the Publication Subsidy Scheme is one of the Academy’s longest running awards programs.

Our Publication Subsidy Scheme supports quality publication in the humanities, with funding awarded to early career researchers to support costs associated with publication, such as illustrations, maps, and copyright fees.

The projects from this year’s 12 recipients cover a vast array of topics, and explore pressing areas of inquiry: from the tale of a cohort of women who defied the odds and forged remarkable careers in the domain of public-affairs production, to an account of the internal workings of the NSW Board for the Protection of Aborigines at the turn of the century, to the infamous case of the making and un-making of the East West Link.

Awards Committee member and publisher Professor Terri-ann White FAHA congratulated the recipients and remarked on the breadth and quality of the projects: “There were a number of compelling applications in this round” she said. “Some of them included opportunities to take scholarship further into the reaches of people who don’t work in higher education, demonstrating the broad value of the humanities across society. That mix of global specialist and general publishing outlets was a sign for the committee of robustness in the humanities, even during this difficult era we are living through.”

We congratulate the following recipients and are proud to support their projects:

Dr Kylie Andrews

Trailblazing women of Australian Broadcasting, 1945-1975

Anthem Press




Dr Mitchell Browne 

Grammatical description of Warlmanpa: a Ngumpin-Yapa language spoken around Tennant Creek (Northern Territory)

ANU Press





Dr Honae Cuffe

The Genesis of a Policy: Defining and Defending Australia’s National Interest in the Asia-Pacific, 1921-57

ANU Press

Twitter: @HonaeHCuffe


Dr Richard Egan

Power and Dysfunction: The NSW Board for the Protection of Aborigines 1883-1940

ANU Press







Dr Luara Ferracioli 

Liberal Self-Determination in a World of Migration

Oxford University Press






Dr Kristie Flannery 

Fighting Pirates, Forging Empire: Anti-Piracy and Spanish Colonial Rule in the Pacific

University of Pennsylvania Press

Twitter @thehistoriann 







Dr Eloise Florence 

Traces of aerial bombing in Berlin: Entangled remembering

Bloomsbury Academic





Dr Mitchell Harrop 

Grimoire for the Digital Humanities: The Forbidden Atlas

Melbourne University Press/ AHS

Twitter: @mharropesquire


Dr Simon Kennedy 

Reforming the Law of Nature: The Secularisation of Political Thought, 1532-1689

Edinburgh University Press

Twitter: @spkenn1



Dr James Murphy 

The Making & Un-Making of East-West Link

Melbourne University Press





Dr Andres Rodriguez 

Meeting the Nation in the Field: Frontier Work and the Making of Modern China, 1919-1945

University of British Columbia Press

Twitter: @LaoAnguo





Dr Chris Urwin 

Building and Remembering: An Archaeology of Place-Making in Orokolo Bay, Papua New Guinea

University of Hawai’i Press

Twitter: @c_urwin 

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