7TH ESTONIAN DIGITAL HUMANITIES CONFERENCE: Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Research and Education
ALLC RSS 2019-08-20
7TH ESTONIAN DIGITAL HUMANITIES CONFERENCE: Use of Digital Cultural Heritage in Research and Education
4-6 December 2019, National Library of Estonia, Tallinn, Estonia
The theme of the DH Estonia 2019 conference is the use of digital cultural heritage, especially in the field of education. We are witnessing the new habits and behaviours of contemporary internet users in the wide variety of digital environments. Users have become producers, taking over the production of online content.
The conference aims to focus on how the user habits as well as needs and requirements could influence the practices of memory institutions, such as museums, archives and libraries who are striving to increase the volume of digitised sources of cultural heritage. We hope to examine the using and designing of cultural heritage collections through a variety of disciplines ranging from art to history, from museum studies to media studies, and from archival studies to literary studies.
Presentations and discussions on all areas associated with digital humanities, digital memory and digital culture are welcome. We wish to share and exchange novel and innovative ideas, experiences and practices in the field of digital humanities in Estonia and the neighbouring countries.
NB! Deadline extended! New deadline for submissions is 1 August. Please send abstracts to conference@dh.org.ee
The conference is organised by the Estonian Society for Digital Humanities, National Library of Estonia and Estonian Literary Museum.
Estonian Literary Museum National Library of Estonia European Union under the European Regional Development Fund (ASTRA project of Estonian Literary Museum EKMDHUM (SFOS2014-2020.4.01.16-0026) Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies (TK145) Tallinn University
Organising Committee:
Marin Laak, Estonian Literary Museum / Estonian Society for Digital Humanities (marin.laak@kirmus.ee) Piret Viires, Tallinn University / Estonian Society for Digital Humanities (piret.viires@tlu.ee) Aija Sakova, Estonian Literary Museum (aija.sakova@kirmus.ee) Mari Sarv, Estonian Literary Museum / Estonian Society for Digital Humanities (mari@haldjas.folklore.ee) Andres Kimber, University of Tartu / Estonian Society for Digital Humanities (andres.kimber@ut.ee) Indrek Ibrus, Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School (BFM), Tallinn University/Head at MEDIT (Tallinn University Centre of Excellence in Media Innovation and Digital Culture) (indrek.ibrus@tlu.ee) Jane Makke, National Library of Estonia (jane.makke@nlib.ee) Kristel Veimann, National Library of Estonia (kristel.veimann@nlib.ee) Hembo Pagi, Archaeovision R&D (hembo@archaeovision.eu) Mari Kannusaar, National Library of Estonia (mari.kannusaar@nlib.ee)