CFP 2019 International Summer School “Learning by Game Creation: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanities”

ALLC RSS 2019-08-20


CFP 2019 International Summer School “Learning by Game Creation: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanities”

5 Jul 2019 (All day)

It’s our pleasure to announce the 2019 International Summer School “Learning by Game Creation: Cultural Heritage, Cities and Digital Humanities”. The Summer School will be held at Politecnico di Torino, Castello del Valentino, from September 1st to September 8th 2019. Please find attached the course schedule and the call for participation. Deadline is on July 5th 2019. The Summer School is organized by a Joint Project of the Torino POLITO, Department of Urban and Regional Studies and Planning, and University of California, Los Angeles UCLA, Cotsen Institute of Archaelogy. Rosa Tamborrino (POLITO and AISU) and Willeke Wendrich (UCLA) are the Project Directors. The Italian Association of Urban History (AISU) and the Museo del Cinema of Turin, are partners of the 2019 Program.

Please promote this initiative among students and early stage researchers. We invite both students and academic staff to contact us for further detailed information.

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Date tagged:

08/20/2019, 19:27

Date published:

06/26/2019, 08:39