Eight tenure track positions Assistant Professor - Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS)
ALLC RSS 2024-01-19
Eight tenure track positions Assistant Professor - Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS)
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks to fill eight tenure track positions at the Assistant Professor level. DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be offered subject to positive evaluations and reviews.
The successful candidate must have an international profile and a strong emerging record of research and funding excellence as well as novel ideas with a clear potential to expand our frontiers of knowledge.
DIAS is growing, and this call is in fact the first of five calls: DIAS will hire a minimum of five research fellows at the Assistant Professor level per year for the next five years (2024-2028). Thus, DIAS is looking to hire a total of 25-35 Assistant Professors. We consider this a unique opportunity to hire top talent, to offer exceptional opportunities for outstanding researchers, and to attract “rising stars” to our ambitious and interdisciplinary environment.
The positions are joint positions at DIAS and a department at one of the five faculties at University of Southern Denmark (SDU). The candidate will thus have two affiliations—DIAS and the department—and is expected to contribute to both. Tenure will be offered in the department with continued affiliation with DIAS.
In line with DIAS’s unique and ambitious research aims, DIAS Assistant Professors have reduced teaching obligations compared to a regular Assistant Professor position at SDU. Likely the Assistant Professor will also receive startup or seed funding from the department, though this is subject to negotiation in the hiring process.
The starting date for the positions is August 1, 2024, or as soon as possible thereafter.
DIAS aims to inspire groundbreaking ideas across the sciences and humanities. DIAS is particularly committed to the development and promotion of young researchers of exceptional talent. At present, DIAS is home to 17 DIAS Fellows from five faculties, and the applicant will join this group. DIAS also comprises eminent academics appointed as Chairs and Senior Fellows. DIAS offers an interdisciplinary research environment where the selected candidate will be able to interact with outstanding researchers from the five faculties at University of Southern Denmark as well as visiting researchers and fellows. DIAS expects the candidate to compete for prestigious and important funds, such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and ERC starting grants. DIAS and SDU offer research support services.
For more information about DIAS activities: https://www.sdu.dk/en/forskning/dias
Questions can be addressed to Director of DIAS, Sten Rynning, sry@sam.sdu.dk.
The Faculty of Humanities is seeking to appoint one fellow within Human-centered IT in 2024. The research fields might include, but are not limited to:
Digital Humanities
Educational AI
Human-centered AI
Designing for learning CT
IT-mediated Learning
Humanistic eScience
Contact: Marianne Wolff Lundholt, Head of Department, Department of Design, Media and Educational Science, malu@sdu.dk
Read more here: https://www.sdu.dk/en/humancenteredit
To English-speaking applicants: Please make sure to enter the electronic application form via the English website to receive further information in English.
Application, salary, etc.
The successful applicant will be employed in accordance with the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and AC (the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations). Please check links for more information about salary and taxation.
Teaching obligations will be reduced compared to a regular Assistant Professor position at SDU.
To qualify for the position as Assistant Professor you must have obtained a PhD degree by the application deadline.
An application must include:
A motivation letter
A detailed Curriculum Vitae
A copy of important certificates/diplomas
Information on previous teaching experience, please attach as teaching portfolio
A complete list of publications, indicating which publicat