Job: Postdoc, The Digital Piranesi, University of South Carolina
Digital Humanities Now 2019-08-20
From the ad:
The University of South Carolina (Columbia) invites applications for a position of postdoctoral research fellow with The Digital Piranesi (, an interdisciplinary, collaborative digital humanities project. This NEH-funded position is for one year and renewable for a second year (pending a budgetary extension). Reporting to the Principal Investigator and working with the project team, the fellow will play a major role in developing an enhanced digital collection of the complete works of Giovanni Piranesi based on a complete 29-volume set of his Opere that is housed in USC’s Irvin Department of Rare Books and Special Collections. Responsibilities will include webpage development, custom metadata generation, staff management, and digital and physical exhibit preparation…
Please direct any questions to project PI Jeanne Britton: jbritton at