Editor’s Choice: Mapping patterns and causes for labor migration in Southern Africa

Digital Humanities Now 2020-07-15

We live in communities that are increasingly becoming intersected and globalized.  There is a lot of mixing in terms of race, religion, ideologies, languages, ethnicity, and many other aspects. The development of such an intersection has historically been traced from systems of migration and capitalist expansion (1). In many discussions of world development, Africa is excluded yet major forms of migration and population mixing were also happening in Africa. Many scholars discuss the forms of migration in Africa as forced and coerced migrations which remove the agency in Africans have the ripple effect of making migrations occurring in Africa incomparable to migrations occurring elsewhere in the world. In my project, I map the labor migration patterns for southern Africa between 1905-1980. Labor migration in Africa during the colonial period (colonial period refers to the time when the African continent was under the domination of European empires roughly between 1900-1965) that drew hundreds of thousands of people from one part of Africa to another.

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