New Guidebook on How Humanities & Arts Lead to Professions and Careers

4Humanities 2022-01-22

A new, open-access guide book has been published online by’s co-leader, Christine Henseler. Called Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave College Without Them! (2022), the work takes the form of a “flipbook” giving a broad overview and specific examples of the humanities and arts, and the kinds of careers they lead to:

This guide provides you with an overview of what the arts and humanities are and what kind of professions you can pursue. This guide is meant to inspire you to explore more options for yourself and others. You will hear directly from young professionals and students who share their first hand experiences, uncensored. You will hear from professors who explain what you can learn in different fields. You will also find concrete examples about possible career options and opportunities through personal essays, student interviews, portraits of young professionals, information about career choices, facts and figures, and answers to some of your most commonly asked questions. (“About This Guide,” p. 9)

Sample pages from Christine Hensler, Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without ThemSample pages from Christine Hensler, Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without Them (2022)
A highlight of the book is that it includes first-person stories and views by professionals, entrepreneurs, and students working in fields such as arts, design, writing, data visualization, art history, literature, journalism, education, museums, media, music, theater, dance, and many more.
Poster for Christine Hensler, Arts and Humanities: Don’t Leave School Without Them
Available both through the “flipbook” interface and downloadable as a PDF, the book is published under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.