Eastern European Musical Culture โ€“ Past and Present

Calenda 2024-07-18


For our current issue of Musicologica Olomucensia we are looking for articles focusing on diverse aspects of Eastern European musical culture (defined by the territory of post-communist European states). We welcome historical probes into the musical culture of the region as well as interdisciplinary reflections on contemporary phenomena, with overlaps into music sociology, cultural studies, popular music studies, ethnomusicology, and topics such as music and politics, music and national identity, or music and gender. We welcome a comprehensive approach that compares the issues of individual states in the region and places them on the West-East axis. Likewise, we favour a wide range of issues related to Czech (Czechoslovak) musical culture.



From feeds:

ArtsHums ยป Calenda


appel humanities dh academy


minas.ouchaklian@openedition.org (Minas Ouchaklian)

Date tagged:

07/18/2024, 01:10

Date published:

07/15/2024, 18:00