Late Medieval Cardinals Between Crises

Calenda 2024-09-19


The history of the cardinalate, which stretches from the 11th century to the present day, went through one of the most volatile phases of its development between the beginning of the Western Schism (1378) and the close of the Fifth Lateran Council (1517). This congress aims to work and reflect on these cardinals, both as a group, gathered in the Sacred College, and in their individual dimensions, as lords, members of lineages, pastors, reformers, conciliarists, centres of courts, families and networks, diplomats and representatives of nations, patrons of the arts, among others. The cross-sectional interest of this congress stems from the desire to feed the historiographical renewal that has been taking place over the last two decades on the medieval cardinalate, seeking to bring together researchers who are dedicated to its study, regardless of the angle of approach they may take.


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(4150-564) humanities dh academy

Authors: (Minas Ouchaklian)

Date tagged:

09/19/2024, 06:43

Date published:

09/17/2024, 18:00