Go To Hellman: The Vast Potential for Blockchain in Libraries

Greta's bookmarks 2019-01-20


There is absolutely no use for "blockchain technology" in libraries. NONE. Zip. Nada. Fuhgettaboutit. Folks who say otherwise are either dishonest, misinformed, or misleadingly defining "blockchain technology" as all the wonderful uses of digital signatures, cryptographic hashes, peer-to-peer networks, zero-knowledge proofs, hash chains and Merkle trees. I'm willing to forgive members of this third category of crypto-huckster because libraries really do need to learn about all those technologies and put them to good use. Call it NotChain, and I'm all for it.



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Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science » Greta's bookmarks
Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science » griffey's bookmarks


anti week4 library intermediate libraries usecases blog beginner week5

Date tagged:

01/20/2019, 15:11

Date published:

01/19/2019, 21:05