LibChain- Blockchain for Library Lending

bgetting's bookmarks 2019-01-31


LibChain is a blockchain specifically designed to allow for increased freedom for lending in libraries, between multiple insitutions and users directly. Created by German graduate students, it was presented at LIBER 2017, where it was highly rated.  Can be also found on Github.


From feeds:

Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science » bgetting's bookmarks
Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science » Greta's bookmarks
Blockchain and Decentralization for Library and Information Science » MeganPrice's bookmarks


beginner week5 futuredirections usecases advanced systems article week6 libraries publiclibraries blockchain

Date tagged:

01/31/2019, 14:54

Date published:

04/05/2019, 21:16