LIBER Webinar: Open Science - Inspiring Cultural Change In Your Library - LIBER

whitejustinm's bookmarks 2019-03-18


Embracing Open Science is critical if we are to make science more collaborative, reproducible, transparent and impactful. Open Science undoubtedly has the power to positively influence society, but its implementation is not yet universal.

A revolution is required: one which opens up research processes and changes mindsets in favour of a world where policies, tools and infrastructures universally support the growth and sharing of knowledge. Research libraries are well placed to make that revolution happen but first they must convince their own leaders and wider community of the value of Open Science. 

In this webinar, on 26 March at 1400 CET, speakers from Stockholm University Library — Wilhelm Widmark (library director) and Sofie Wennström (analyst) — will describe how they advocated for new ways of thinking and doing, and how they mobilised their community, in order to build a new future reality. 

In addition, Iryna Kuchma of the FOSTER project will present the practical training resources which FOSTER offers to support the process of cultural change.


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Library Webinar Tracking Project » whitejustinm's bookmarks



Date tagged:

03/18/2019, 18:44

Date published:

03/18/2019, 14:44