Standards At Your Fingertips: Using the AASL Standards Mobile App in Your Building-Level Practice
whitejustinm's bookmarks 2019-03-24
The AASL Standards Mobile App is a powerful tool allowing you to have the National School Library Standards at your fingertips. The app allows you to search the standards framework and to take and share notes. During this session, four school librarians will share how they use the AASL Standards Mobile App in their building-level practice for creating or aligning lessons, collaborating with teachers and other librarians, putting together professional development, and more! The webinar and access to the archive is complimentary and open to all. The archive is typically available within 1–3 business days of the live event. As a webinar registrant, you will receive follow-up correspondence from AASL specifically related to this webinar (including, but not limited to, instructions for accessing both the live webinar and its archived recording) as well as information about other upcoming AASL eLearning. Time Mar 26, 2019 6:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)