Supporting OER At Your Institution | ALCTS webinar video, December 2019
alctsce 2020-06-12
"An ALCTS webinar. Open Educational Resources (OER) initiatives in higher education are increasingly led by academic libraries. A lot of these projects are overseen by librarians who may or may not have OER as part of their job responsibilities yet they make it work because of their strong commitment to making education accessible to all learners. The three speakers will discuss the variety of ways that they support the adoption, adaptation, and creation of OER on their different campuses at the administrative, faculty, and student level. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to OER, so this webinar will present a range of ideas that could work at any institution, including: trainings and outreach, faculty grants, learning communities, campus partnerships, publishing support, regional events, and summits. The speakers will share strategies that have and haven’t worked for them. They’ll also talk about their experiences as members of the Open Textbook Network and OpenStax Institutional Partners Program, two national organizations that support OER work on campuses. They’ll also discuss barriers to OER adoption and ways to overcome them....
Presented on December 11, 2019 by Cheryl Cuillier, Regina Gong and Jeremy Smith."
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