Open access publishing with OJS 3
CharlestonConference 2021-03-08
"In this LIBSENSE webinar hosted by EIFL, Jill Claassen and Lena Nyahodza (University of Cape Town Libraries) talk about library open access publishing: advancing African collection development, guidelines to establishing a scholarly journal and journal management - benefits of using Open Journal Systems (OJS), configuration of OJS 3 installation and journal manager role - OJS navigation interface/dashboard, journal and website settings, workflow settings – configuration of editorial section and distribution settings – visibility of the journal. In the second part of the webinar in French language that starts from 0:42nd minute, Bessem Aamira, Ingénieur en Informatique, CNUDST, shares CNUDST experiences of using OJS, presents OJS 3 and how it is different from the previous OJS versions, explains how to set it up and also provides a live demo of using OJS...."
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