Open Educational Resource Program Development: A View from Two Institutions

CharlestonConference 2022-04-05


"Open Educational Resource Program Development: A View from Two Institutions

Lisa Martin, Assistant Program Director for Instruction Services, University of California, San Diego Dani Cook, Associate University Librarian: Learning and User Experience, University of California, San Diego Allegra Swift, Scholarly Communications Librarian, University of California, San Diego Regina Gong, OER & Student Success Librarian, Michigan State University As affordability continues to be a growing concern in higher education, more institutions are building programs not only to bring down course materials costs for undergraduate students, but to align affordability with student success and retention. In this presentation, two institutions will share their program development around open and affordable course materials. One institution is just at the beginning of developing its program and has created a robust program for gathering data on its student and course instructor needs and desires. The other institution has a much more well-established initiative with a focus on both open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices, leveraging the impact of the program to advance the goals of access, equity, and student success. In both cases, campus partnerships ranging from undergraduate students to high-level administrators are a critical component to success. The session will reflect on lessons learned for beginning and expanding programs and the variety of pathways that can be pursued in expanding the reach of OER...."


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Date tagged:

04/05/2022, 01:56

Date published:

04/04/2022, 05:05