Rethinking impact factors: better ways to judge a journal

sothe's bookmarks 2019-05-31


Global efforts are afoot to create a constructive role for journal metrics in scholarly publishing and to displace the dominance of impact factors in the assessment of research. To this end, a group of bibliometric and evaluation specialists, scientists, publishers, scientific societies and research-analytics providers are working to hammer out a broader suite of journal indicators, and other ways to judge a journal’s qualities.

Here we call for the essential elements of this change: expansion of indicators to cover all functions of scholarly journals, a set of principles to govern their use and the creation of a governing body to maintain these standards and their relevance.



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » sothe's bookmarks

Tags: oa.journals oa.standards oa.governance oa.dora oa.leiden_manifesto oa.evaluation oa.initiative oa.publishing oa.metrics oa.jif oa.impact oa.dei


Paul Wouters, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivière, Marie E. McVeigh, Bernd Pulverer, Sarah de Rijcke & Ludo Waltman

Date tagged:

05/31/2019, 17:30

Date published:

05/31/2019, 13:30