Map of Hope – Mapping COVID-19 Research 2020-06-13

What is the aim of the project?

Researchers form the Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) worked together with experts and medical doctors from the University Hospital of Heidelberg to develop the Covid-19 map of hope. The “Map of Hope” provides a geographical overview of planned, ongoing and completed clinical trials on COVID-19 ranging from disease understanding, therapeutic strategies, drugs, impact on helpers, and others. The published data is based on the data offered by the WHO on their Clinical Trials Search Portal and updated on regular basis. The implemented interactive map shows the clinical trial locations classified by study category. A time slider allows you to browse the data the temporal dimension as well.

How can the “Map of Hope” help me?

You can search for data on clinical trials by different search options, e.g. study type, classification or envisaged outcome. The map and table provide the links to the studies and contact persons involved in the studies; currently, 768 entries are listed. You can use the map to find studies from your country or topic you are interested in.

How can I use the “Map of Hope’ and what are its benefits?

The map is available for free and is primarily intended to facilitate the public flow of information and to promote contacts between scientists involved in research on the same subject area. According to the team involved in the development of the map, the functions offered will be constantly expanded.

Country of origin: Germany Institution: Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology at Heidelberg University – HeiGIT Website:, Categories: Data VisualizationSpecial Issue Tags: clinical trialsCOVID 19data visualizationmedicine

image: Screenshot of the map made by Reiner Braun from  

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