Characteristics and rankings of European universities that support the library crowdfunding model for open access monographs | PUBMET

TomMosterd's bookmarks 2022-10-18


Introduction. Several business models have emerged for open access (OA) monographs, and one of them is library crowdfunding (Collins, 2015; Speicher, 2018). Considering the importance of collaboration in OA (Deegan, 2017), it is no surprise that this model—which is based on libraries collaborating to fund the publishing of OA monographs—is considered innovative and possibly sustainable long-term (Leach-Murray, 2017). It encourages academic libraries to share the cost of publishing peer-reviewed OA monographs in various fields and take the burden of the author-pay model away from researchers (Reinsfelder, 2018). Well-known initiatives of this kind include Knowledge Unlatched (KU), Reveal Digital, and UnGlue.It (Bulock, 2018).



10/17/2022, 23:34

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Date tagged:

10/18/2022, 03:34

Date published:

10/09/2022, 23:34