Did a ‘nasty’ publishing scheme help an Indian dental school win high rankings? | Science | AAAS
Moumita's bookmarks 2023-06-08
Saveetha Dental College in Chennai, India, incentivizes undergraduate students to write research manuscripts, a practice resulting in over 1,400 scholarly works published by the school in a single year. However, an investigation by Retraction Watch revealed that these papers often systematically cite other works by Saveetha faculty, inflating citation metrics to boost the institution's global reputation. Officials at the college deny knowledge of any concerted effort to use self-citation to enhance their standing, though external observers criticize the strategy as misleading and potentially harmful. Concerns also extend beyond self-citation, with critics pointing to the questionable quality of undergraduate research and the coercive nature of pressuring students to publish for the institution's benefit.
https://www.science.org/content/article/did-nasty-publishing-scheme-help-indian-dental-school-win-high-rankingsFrom feeds:
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