Author-supported open access in Estuaries and Coasts | SpringerLink

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2020-12-03


Estuaries and Coasts begins a three-year trial period with this issue in which authors can, by paying an open access fee, have their articles available online to all viewers. Because journals cannot rely of continuing subscription revenues if their articles are already freely available online, open access fees will be expected to cover the costs of production so that the journal will remain financially viable even when subscription revenues are no longer present. Our transition from a subscription-based budget to one in which open access fees cover production costs will include fee discounts for authors who are members of the Estuarine Research Federation and whose institutions have current subscriptions to the journal in recognition that these sources of revenue now support publication of the journal.



12/03/2020, 08:52

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Date tagged:

12/03/2020, 13:48

Date published:

02/01/2007, 08:52