Why ACS Publishes Fully Open Access Journals - ACS Open Science

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2020-12-15


The publishing industry is adapting its open access options to support the research community’s needs in the face of shifting funder requirements. In particular, as funders adopt new or revised open access mandates, researchers are finding that grants come with stipulations of how and where they should publish their results. ACS is dedicated to meeting the needs of the global chemistry community and the needs of our authors and readers. To support authors in meeting their individual funder requirements, ACS has introduced fully open access journals, including JACS Au and our forthcoming ACS Au suite of titles. These journals will complement our existing fully open access titles, ACS Central Science and ACS Omega, and will offer authors more options on where to publish their research.




12/15/2020, 07:02

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Date tagged:

12/15/2020, 11:49

Date published:

10/28/2020, 08:02