Frontiers welcomes the call from UNESCO, WHO and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights for all science to be made open – Science & research news | Frontiers

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2020-12-16


“This is a timely and refreshing call for open, inclusive and collaborative science from UNESCO, WHO and the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. Today, as a second wave of coronavirus takes hold, we welcome this calm and firm call back to the principles and vision of open science, the benefits of which have become abundantly clear – as have the shortcomings of locking scientific knowledge behind expensive paywalls. The short-term suspension of barriers to some areas of research during the pandemic has been helpful, but also teaches us how we could have benefited from open-science practices within the research-innovation cycle. Indeed, we should not need to wait for a societal system breakdown before seeking out, as an international community, a sustainable solution to enabling lasting progress through universal and free access to scientific research.



12/16/2020, 11:47

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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Tonydlp's bookmarks

Tags: oa.publishers oa.open_science oa.unesco oa.who oa.un oa.paywalls oa.frontiers oa.advocacy

Date tagged:

12/16/2020, 16:47

Date published:

10/28/2020, 12:47