Wiley and Bibsam sign open access agreement to include 45 Swedish institutions | EurekAlert! Science News

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2021-03-17


HOBOKEN, N.J.--December 17, 2019-- John Wiley & Sons Inc. (NYSE: JW-A) (NYSE: JW-B), a global leader in research and education, and Bibsam, a consortium of 85 higher education and research institutions, announced a combined open access and subscription agreement that will take effect January 1, 2020. This 3-year agreement will provide 45 participating Swedish institutions with continued access to Wiley's subscription journals and enable their affiliated authors to publish open access articles in Wiley's fully gold and hybrid journals. This partnership advances open research and discovery to create more impact for scholarly research.




03/17/2021, 04:08

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Date tagged:

03/17/2021, 16:51

Date published:

12/17/2019, 03:08