University of California and Elsevier finally reach open access deal | News | Chemistry World

Tonydlp's bookmarks 2021-03-18


After a very public feud two years ago, the University of California (UC) system has reached an open access deal with Dutch scientific publishing giant Elsevier. The four-year agreement is being billed as the largest such arrangement to date in North America. UC accounts for nearly 10% of all US publishing output, and Elsevier is the world’s largest academic publisher. The deal is valued at around $11 million (£7.9 million) in the first year, growing by 2.6% annually.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Tonydlp's bookmarks

Tags: oa.journals oa.elsevier oa.agreements oa.u.california oa.publishing oa.fees oa.offsets

Date tagged:

03/18/2021, 15:45

Date published:

03/18/2021, 11:46