The Road Ahead With Dave Baumgartner, CTO for Americas

Industry Perspectives 2020-11-19

Organizations are facing more security challenges today than ever before. It could be that they don't have enough experienced individuals on their teams, or that they don't have room in the budget for necessary activities and resources required to strengthen their security programs. Making matters worse is a fairly significant lack of integration between the myriad technologies that organizations have acquired throughout the years.

If vendors are serious about helping out in 2020, they need to step inside the shoes of their customers and understand the issues they struggle with on a daily basis. One person who does that nearly every day is Dave Baumgartner, Chief Technology Officer for Americas.  

Watch the video to hear what is top of mind for Dave as we move into 2020, and then for more reserve your complimentary copy of The Road Ahead: Cyber Security in 2020 and Beyond. In the report, Dave touches on various topics, including integration of disparate technologies, organizations struggling to apply intelligence, and what it means to do security well.

The report also features insights from several other FireEye senior leaders, covering important aspects of cyber security such as strategy, intelligence, technology and legal. The report will be available on November 12, but we have additional forward looking content lined up for release prior to and after that date, so be sure to keep an eye out for more!