The Changing Stakes of Cyber Security for the C-Suite

Industry Perspectives 2021-10-29

Nearly every organization in Europe will face at least one familiar cyber security challenge in 2018, be it spear phishing with intent to gain privileged credentials, or defense evasions leveraging everything from existing vulnerabilities to more innovative techniques.

However, the coming year also promises to deliver many new obstacles, particularly for C-level executives. We are certain to see more varied attack vectors and an increase in attacks on Internet-connected industrial control systems. These targeted attacks have the possibility of doing more than just disrupting essential services – in a worst-case scenario, they could result in significant loss of life.

Fortunately, the year ahead will also bring fundamental changes that have the potential to provide “the good guys” with an advantage over attackers: the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR. This sweeping European Union reform should make a crucial impact by increasing cyber awareness across the region – visibility that will enable organizations to better defend against attacks.

One needed change is a greater spirit of cooperation. Collaboration across the public and private sectors can help us make progress against threat actors who threaten our cyber and physical security. Implementing international norms around cyber laws and working together to improve cloud security and change human behavior are some of the cooperative steps we can take to reduce the risk of attacks.

It is important that senior executives are aware of these trends, as cyber risks extend through the C-suite. This is the focus of a white paper FireEye developed with Marsh & McLennan Companies. The paper,  Cyber: The Stakes Have Changed for the C-Suite, provides insights and recommendations that can help senior corporate executives understand how cyber defenses must evolve to keep pace with the changing threat landscape.

Download the joint paper,  Cyber: The Stakes Have Changed for the C-Suite, today to ensure your organization is prepared in 2018.