FireEye Mandiant Virtual Summit 2021 | Innovation Forward: A New Era of Resilience

FireEye Stories 2021-04-01

2021 is proving to be a year full of cyber threats that continue to challenge the community and force us to adapt. With dramatically larger remote, distributed workforces and greater reliance on the cloud, and mobile apps and devices, the opportunities for malicious actors have never been greater. To better protect organizations from the relentless digital assault, innovative security solutions informed by expert threat intelligence is essential.

Join us at this year’s FireEye Mandiant Virtual Summit, where an impressive list of front-line experts and industry thought leaders will share the latest advancements in cyber security and best practices for defending against threats as we all build a New Era of Resilience.

During my keynote session, you will get an inside look at:

  • The biggest threats organizations around the globe are likely to face in the coming months
  • Ways security teams should confront these threats and bolster cyber defenses
  • How my team tracks these threats and what you and your company’s leadership team should know about them

To give you a sneak peek at what I’ll be discussing, take a look at this short video.