Helix: Not Just Another SIEM

FireEye Stories 2022-05-23

Security information and event management (SIEM) tools have been around for some time. Yet, as the instruments of threat actors mature, tools to combat them must advance even faster.

Many SIEMs from your Computer Information Science professor’s days still execute the essential tasks:

Yet, the demands of today’s security operations require more than these table stakes of old. Further, many organizations are employing older SIEMs to do only some of the jobs. And too often the tool they have purchased does not deliver on the promise.

The demand for an advanced tool is here. A technology that not only delivers the basic capabilities of a SIEM, but also enriches existing deployments and operates with the sophistication of a true security operations center.

FireEye Helix is the solution.

Helix is a security operations platform with SIEM capabilities, along with orchestration and threat intelligence capabilities. We recently wrote all about how Helix is helping organizations identify and respond to threats faster. Helix helps customers get from their current state of too many tools, poor visibility, and lack of context from alerts to a place where they have a holistic view across their enterprise – with all the tools they need to focus on and respond to threats in a single pane of glass.

Enabling security teams to detect advanced attacks, especially those occurring in the cloud. Allowing them to identify threats with high fidelity and with intelligence context. Delivering case management tools so that all of this data collection, alert validation, and response can occur between analysts. Leveraging orchestration and automation to deal with mundane tasks, ensuring that analysts remain focused on performing investigations that matter. These are just some of the many benefits of FireEye Helix.

Learn more about FireEye Helix by taking a self-guided tour.