Highlighter v1.1.2 Released
Threat Research 2020-12-08
Hey, guess what?! MANDIANT has just released Highlighter v1.1.2 in response to your feedback - a fix for one particularly nagging issue with highlights and removals not updating the view immediately, and a few extra items thrown in to make Highlighter a little nicer to use.
Wipe the cheesy poofs off your fingers and go here to the download page to check out the updates.
We have listened to your suggestions on how to improve this tool and have worked hard to make it a prime source for rapid review of logs and other structured text files.
New Feature:
- Ability to change the display font. (Look in the menu under File -> Font.)
- Selecting text in the display will now more accurately line up with the mouse pointer.
- The display will now remain at the same point in the file after removing or restoring lines.
- Display refresh issues in Windows 7.
- In some cases, state files did not properly store and restore state.