The changing battlefield in Memory

Threat Research 2020-12-19

Steve Davis and I gave a talk at Blackhat and at Defcon called Metasploit Autopsy: Reconstructing the scene of the crime. Giving the talk was a blast; both Steve and I were thrilled to be given an opportunity to give a defensive security talk on the Metasploit track. During our talk and in several interviews, we stated that some aspects of computer security are a cat and mouse game. When you make a technique, tool, or other knowledge public people have a chance to analyze what you have done. This analysis can lead to better code, improvements to ideas, or in some cases the breaking of said tools. In the case of Metasploit Forensic Framework (MSFF), the newest release of Metasploit flat out broke MSFF. First, let me give you some background. When we first started writing the tool, we quickly realized that breaking MSFF would take a single line change to Meterpreter. The fix is simple. In our talk, we discussed that when meterpreter called free the received/sent packets were not scrubbed and lay around memory for hours. MSFF capitalized on this using Memoryze to acquire the processes address space which included the process's freed memory. HD and crew were nice enough to wait to patch Meterpreter until after our talk. Meterpreter was patched Saturday with memset's, which zero out the packet data before the memory is freed.

With this fix, our current technique to reconstruct what Meterpreter sent or received does not work. The Metasploit project has broken that ability successfully (something we expected). Our detection will evolve, and HD discussed some ideas he had to make detecting the Meterpreter binary harder. Currently, MSFF can still be used to identify the injected binaries in a process's address space. The Meterpreter binary contains too much code and has too many features to effectively hide in memory. If and when HD patches the reflective loader to scrub Meterpreter's binary data, we'll update MSFF with some fix, more as a proof concept than anything else, to continue to identify the injected DLLs. Hope everyone's recovered from Vegas!

A huge thanks go to Ping, Nikita, Jeff Moss, Val Smith and HD for putting the Metasploit track together. It was not easy, but it went great. A huge thanks to the defcon speakers, who were very flexible.