What sites is Trickbot targeting?
CyberCrime & Doing Time 2020-11-19
Its been a while since we decoded Trickbot configs to see what banks and organizations were being actively targeted. While recently most of the news about Trickbot has been how it drops the Ryuk Ransomware, and that is certainly important, we can't forget that Trickbot is first and foremost a Banking Trojan / Infostealer that is designed to steal website credentials from infected users. While there are many fascinating add-on modules that perform other actions, such as inventorying the network on which an infected machine resides, attempting to dump Windows Domain credentials, and launching remote control backdoors, THE DEFAULT BEHAVIOR IS TO STEAL WEBSITE CREDENTIALS. Every website where the user types data has the data captured and sent to the Trickbot operators, but certain websites are specified for more nuanced interactions, which could be to only steal data from particular sub-pages, or could be to alter the appearance of the website to request additional data not being asked for by the website. This latter behavior is called a "Web Inject" and on Trickbot, they are listed in an encrypted file named "dinj" for "Dynamic Injections." Like many malware researchers, I use the fantastic tools developed by @hasherezade to help decode the configuration files of Trickbot to see what the current collection of URLs in the DINJ file is targeting. DINJ file breakdown (04MAR2020 by @GarWarner)
The DINJ file for trickbot contain lists of URL patterns labeled with markup tags / .
In the file I used for this analysis, updated from the Command & Control on 04MAR2020, there were 84 "igroups" containing 329 URL patterns, targeting 131 named domains. In the current DINJ file, the most common target is Japanese banks and financial institutions. Each of the 41 URLs below were for Japanese organizations: 82bank.co.jpeposcard.co.jplifecard.co.jpshinkin-ib.jp.aeon.co.jpfukuokabank.co.jpmichinokubank.co.jpshinwabank.co.jpaeonbank.co.jpgogin.co.jpmiyagin.co.jpshizugin.netamazon.co.jpgunmabank.co.jpmizuhobank.co.jpshizuokabank.co.jpanser.ne.jphigobank.co.jpmufg.jpshokochukin.co.jpawabank.co.jphirogin.co.jpncbank.co.jptominbank.co.jpbk.mufg.jphokkokubank.co.jporico.co.jptsukubabank.co.jpchibabank.co.jphokuyobank.co.jppocketcard.co.jpvpass.ne.jpchugin.co.jpjaccs.co.jprakuten.co.jpyamagatabank.co.jpchushin.co.jpjuroku.co.jpryugin.co.jpdaishi-bank.co.jpkeiyobank.co.jpsaisoncard.co.jp US Banks were second in popularity 53.comcitizensbankonline.comiccu.comregions.comally.comcu1.orgiconnectdata.comsecureinternetbank.comamegybank.comdiscover.comkey.comsuntrust.comamericanexpress.comebanking-services.commtb.comusaa.combankofamerica.comefirstbank.comnavyfederal.orgusbank.combmo.comfirelandsfcu.orgnbarizona.comvancity.comcapitalone.comhuntington.comonlinebank.comvectrabank.comccservicing.comibanking-services.compaypal.comzionsbank.comchase.compnc.com Followed by German Banks bawagpsk.comconsorsbank.deing-diba.deraiffeisen.atberliner-bank.dedeutsche-bank.delzo.comsantander.decomdirect.dehaspa.denorisbank.desparda.decommerzbank.deing.depostbank.detargobank.de Some of the other targets were especially interesting to me. The Brokerages: Ameritrade.com, eTrade.com, Schwab.com The Big Retails: Amazon.com, BestBuy.com, CostCo.com, eBay.com, Grainger.com, SamsClub.com The CryptoCurrency Exchanges/Companies: Binance.com, BitFinex.com, BitStamp.com, Blockchain.com, CoinBase.com, CoinMarketCap.com, CryptoCompare.com, DogeChain.info, Kraken.com, Paxful.com And two Payroll companies, which may be especially interesting as we are in Tax Season in the USA. Curiously these two are both part of the same "igroup": ADP.com and Paychex.com Especially since they are targeting ADMINISTRATORS of those Payroll systems, based on the strings I'm seeing: *runpayroll.adp.com/* myapps.paychex.com/*_remote/* If you are curious to see more of the current DINJ file, I've shared it as a PasteBin file here: GarWarner's Trickbot DINJ file 04MAR2020 (updated URL: Pastebin removed the first one, trying again.)