We're looking for web developers! Library Innovation Lab

Lorca_Shepperd's bookmarks 2021-05-20


"Work on stuff that matters. Our core projects are about opening access to law; redefining legal casebooks and reducing their cost; and exploring cutting-edge web archival techniques to keep important links working for the next 100 years.

Build open source. All of our projects are open source and otherwise designed to maximize the public benefit of our work.

Set your own pace. We are a small, self-directed group. Pick the priorities where you see the highest impact at a pace that feels comfortable. We have real vacations and no crunch time.

Set your own research agenda. We are located at the Harvard Law School Library and share a kitchen with the Berkman Klein Center and metaLAB. Going to events, having conversations, developing your scholarly perspective, and exploring it through code are encouraged. We will specifically prioritize these things at the cost of shipping the next feature.

Have job stability and support. While we maintain the creative atmosphere and flexibility of a small innovation lab, we're backed by an established institution with strong benefits and support for employees...."



From feeds:

Berkman Klein » Lorca_Shepperd's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Berkman Klein » lrosenberg's bookmarks


orbit opportunity

Date tagged:

05/20/2021, 11:30

Date published:

05/20/2021, 10:37