Call for Proposals | Tech Ethics Lab | University of Notre Dame

Lorca_Shepperd's bookmarks 2021-10-13


Hello BKC buzz,


As you may have seen, the Tech Ethics Lab I run at Notre Dame launched a Call for Proposals yesterday for applied projects, which may be of interest to the BKC community. Would you possibly be able to include a line item in the next newsletter about the CFP, which closes on November 23rd, you can link to more information here.


If it's useful, here's a short explanation of the CFP, as well as links to more information and the application:

The Notre Dame-IBM Technology Ethics Lab is pleased to announce an inaugural Call for Proposals, seeking to fund projects that connect to the Lab’s core mission to promote human values in technology. The resulting work will consist of applied, interdisciplinary projects in a variety of creative formats structured around six key themes: the ethics of scale, the ethics of automation, the ethics of prediction, the ethics of persuasion, the ethics of identification, and the ethics of adoption. The Lab welcomes a broad interpretation of these themes to engage with a variety of contemporary issues and challenges in the technology landscape. 

The Call opens on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 and closes on Tuesday, November 23, 2021. Up to $500,000 USD in awards will be distributed, and the Lab welcomes applications from all industries, sectors, and geographies. Applicants may apply as individuals or as teams.

Visit the Tech Ethics Lab website or follow us on Twitter for more information about eligibility, project awards, and selection criteria, and apply here


Many thanks in advance,




Elizabeth M. Renieris

Practitioner Fellow | Digital Civil Society Lab | Stanfor


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Date tagged:

10/13/2021, 14:29

Date published:

10/13/2021, 10:29