Call for Participation | Society for Scholarly Publishing annual meeting 2022

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-02-03



"Poster presentations will provide an opportunity for information to be displayed and available to all attendees, and for poster authors to be able to discuss their poster’s content with interested parties. Attendees will vote for their favorite posters in several categories. Poster proposals are being accepted through  extended to February 4, 2022.

5-minute Previews Sessions Brief, back-to-back presentations showcasing new products, platforms, and/or content from publishers and vendors. Attendees vote for their favorite innovation. Previews session proposals are being accepted through  February 4, 2022. ..."


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[IOI] Open Infrastructure Tracking Project » ioi_ab's bookmarks


cfp publishers

Date tagged:

02/03/2022, 02:53

Date published:

02/02/2022, 21:53