Will the Global Information Infrastructure be the Library of the Future? - Central and Eastern Europe as a Case Example | 1995 IFLA General Conference | Borgman
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61st IFLA General Conference - Conference Proceedings - August 20-25, 1995
Will the Global Information Infrastructure be the Library of the Future? - Central and Eastern Europe as a Case Example
Christine L. Borgman, BA, MLS, PhD, Professor University of California
"The United States was the first to initiate policy and funding proposals for a National Information Infrastructure, followed quickly by similar proposals from the European Union and from individual c ountries. Already, the Group of Seven (G-7) leading industrialized countries have agreed to collaborate on constructing a Global Information Infrastructure to realize their common vision of the Global Information Society, based on the following principles (G-7 Ministerial Conference on the Information Society, 1995, p 1-2):...
The Global Information Infrastructure (GII) offers the technical capabilities and a policy framework to achieve the long-sought library goals of universal bibliographic control and universal access to publications on a global basis..."