Prioritising Inclusion and Equity in Information Literacy Scholarship: A Panel Conversation with the Editors of CIL and JIL | April 2022 | Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC) | UK

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-04-24


Prioritising Inclusion and Equity in Information Literacy Scholarship: A Panel Conversation with the Editors of CIL and JIL. Speakers: Jacqulyn Williams, Alison Hicks, Andrea Baer, Christopher Hollister, Meg Westbury.

"...The panelists will begin with an overview of infrastructural theory (i .e ., that infrastructure is never ahistorical or apolitical) and its relevance to scholarly publishing, early steps to support DEIJ that the journals have taken, and ongoing questions that the editors are exploring . Panelists will subsequently invite session participants to engage in introspection and communal dialogue around injustices in scholarship and knowledge production in the field of IL, through discussion around questions each editorial team is asking and assumptions they are exploring, including those relating to labour, participation, people-centred systems, content, representation, and voice . Attendees will gain a closer view into developments from CIL and JIL editors’ DEIJ work; be invited to actively contribute to advancing these conversations as editors continue to push forward their respective DEIJ agendas; and have opportunities to reflect with peers on injustices, assumptions, and aspirations related to building more open and equitable scholarly ecosystems for information literacy research, practice, and scholarship."

Session part of the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, UK, 11-13 APRIL 2022.



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04/24/2022, 05:11

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04/24/2022, 01:11