ODISSEI – Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations | Netherlands

ioi_ab's bookmarks 2022-05-02


"ODISSEI (Open Data Infrastructure for Social Science and Economic Innovations) is the sustainable research infrastructure for social sciences in the Netherlands. Through ODISSEI, researchers within the social sciences have access to large-scale, longitudinal data collections that can be connected to registerdata from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in a secure environment. This virtual web enables researchers to answer new, cross-disciplinary research questions and to investigate existing questions in new ways. ODISSEI offers employees of member organisations funding opportunities to access data for free or at a reduced rate. ODISSEI moreover gives support to researchers who are developing and executing computational research project. In addition, ODISSEI organises events and workshops where researchers can meet each other and share knowledge. Background ODISSEI is a collaborativea project initiated by the project leaders of a number of large-scale data collections, CBS, SURF, Centererdata and NWO. The creation of a national data platform has been included in the National Roadmap for Large-Scale Scientific Infrastructure 2016-2020. Led by Pearl Dykstra, professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the various partners involved work together to realise this data platform. In July 2020, ODISSEI has received this Roadmap funding to further develop the infrastructure. ODISSEI has over 40 member organisations, including abovementioned parties and academic faculties throughout the country. Through ODISSEI’s national perspective, the advantages of upscaling, knowledge exchange (in the legal sphere, for instance), mutual enrichment, and international collaboration are exploited to the fullest extent.

Organisation: ODISSEI is led by two independent bodies: a Supervisory Board and a Management Board. The Supervisory Board is the highest body and consists of seven delegates from member organisations of ODISSEI. The Management Board, led by Pearl Dykstra, professor of Empirical Sociology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, is appointed by the Supervisory Board. In addition, ODISSEI has an Advisory Board. ODISSEI consists of 41 member organisations that contribute to the development of a sustainable research infrastructure for the social sciences in the Netherlands. Moreover, a number of surveys and panels currently participate in ODISSEI. The daily running of ODISSEI is coordinated by the Coordination Team...."





05/02/2022, 00:04

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Date tagged:

05/02/2022, 04:04

Date published:

08/11/2020, 00:04